
Case Conversion Online

“Convert Case Online” is a useful tool that helps to change the case of text easily and quickly. This tool is capable of converting text to uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, or title case. There are several other online tools available for case conversion, but the combined Case Conversion online tool is the most popular one. Whether you need to convert a single sentence or a large bulk of text, this tool can assist you in converting the case of your text.

Characters: 0 / Words: 0 / Lines: 0
Sentence Capitalized Case Title Case Lowercase Uppercase hyphen-case snake_case dot.case Remove . Remove , Remove – Remove / Remove \ Remove > Remove < Remove _ Remove Extra Spaces Remove All Spaces Remove Line Breaks Clear Text Copy Text

Convert Case every text in a second!

This Case Conversion online tool is the best free text converter. It allows you to easily convert text between different cases, including lower case, upper case, sentence case, capital case, hyphen case, dot.case and more. Using a case converter is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. Here are the general steps for using a case converter tool:

  1. 1. Copy and paste the text you want to convert into the tool’s input field.
  2. 2. Select the case you want to convert the text to. This can be lowercase, uppercase, sentence case, title case, or other formats, depending on your needs.
  3. 3. Click the appropriate button to convert the text to the selected format.
  4. 4. The converted text will appear in the Output box. You can then copy and paste the converted text to the desired location.

We have developed this case conversion online tool to make things easy for you. If you’re not sure how to use it, the following examples will explain how it works:

Sentence Case

This is a sentence case example.

The sentense case converter will allow you to paste any text you’d like, and it will automatically transform it to a fully formed structured sentence. It works by capitalizing the very first letter in each sentence, and will then go on to transform the rest of the text into lowercase as well as adding dot at the end. Every letter after a full stop will get converted into an upper case letter. Note: it won’t, however, capitalize names or places.

Title Case

This is a Title Case Example

Choosing this option will transform the whole text into a title case. And what happens here is that it will take every first letter of every word and make it a capital letter, and the rest into lowercase letters. The Title Case online tool is specifically designed for titles and headlines.


this is a lowercase example

The lowercase online tool will transform the whole text into lowercase without any exceptions and it will follow no rules but the lowercase rule. Of course, you can easily switch back to any other convert case options.



This uppercase online tool will transform the whole text into UPPERCASE. No exceptions will be made here as well, all letters strait to UPPERCASE!



This so-called snake case tool will help replace all the white spaces between the words with an underscore. By doing so you will create one single string of letters – one long snake. If you are a front-end developer and you are using long class names, javascript or PHP functions, and IDs of elements, this will help you create them in just a second. Or let’s say you have all your class names with long and explainable words and used hyphens to separate them, but you need to change the hyphen with an underscore, Just use the find and replace option on top of the text field.



Similar to the previous example, here you can create the same logic of typing but instead of using the underscore, you will get a dot for every white space between the words being replaced simultaneously. Again, the dot case online tool can be used for many purposes or even just for fun!



The tool’s name says it all, it will transform your whole text into text separated by hyphens instead of empty white spaces. The hyphen case online tool is beneficial to programmers to help them create names of functions, class names, and id names of elements in HTML or other programming languages.

Remove Empty Spaces


The remove empty spaces online tool will simply delete all blank spaces or tab spaces from your text. It will create one long string of characters. Just paste any text into the text area and press the Remove All Spaces button and that’s it, done!

Remove Line Breaks

This option will remove all line breaks in your text. This will create one single long paragraph from your text, with no newlines. No need to spend hours just to remove unnecessary line breaks or multiple new lines, just use our line break remover, simple and fast.

In conclusion, case conversion online is a simple yet powerful tool that can be used to change the case of text from one format to another. Whether you need to convert text to uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, or title case, there are several online tools available that can help you do so quickly and easily.

Find some of our most used text converter tools here:

Convert Case Online Tool

Convert Case every sentence or bulk text. Type or simply paste your text in the text area and convert it in a single click.

Convert Case
Online Text Editor

Text Editor online tool can be used to type some text or can be used to copy and paste text from the internet to remove unnecessary formatting or hyperlinks.

Text Editor
Password Generator Online

The Password Generator online tool will generate a strong and powerful password. You can adjust the difficulty and length of the password.

Password Generator
Remove Characters From Text

f you have any text with wrong characters, you can paste your text in the text field and remove all the wrong characters in just a second.

Remove Characters
Sentence Case

The Sentence Case tool will convert your text as a proper Sentence. This will make only the first letter of the first word uppercase, and the rest lowercase.

Sentence Case
Remove Hyphens

Remove Hyphens tool will remove all hyphens from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove -
Title Case

The Title Case tool will convert your text as a proper Title Case. This will make only the first letter of every word uppercase, and the rest lowercase.

Title Case

The Lower Case tool will convert all of your text to lowercase. This will make every letter of every word lowercase.


The Upper Case tool will convert all of your text to an Upper Case. This will make every letter of every word uppercase.

Remove Comma

Remove Comma tool will remove all commas from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove ,
Remove Dots

Remove Dots tool will remove all dots from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove .
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